Morning by Morning (11/24)

My morning gratitude for:

  1. The young adults at Southwest Central Church of Christ, who have sustained me and strengthened me and been my foundation as I have become a chaplain.  They have been so supportive and become ‘friends’ in the best way possible.
  2. HEB pre made Thanksgiving meals. Yep, this year we bought our Thanksgiving dinner for $70 (for 6-8) instead of cooking it ourselves.  Don’t get me wrong, I love cooking and baking.  But this year I have a 16 month old who is having separation anxiety and prefers to climb in the oven rather than let me cook in it. So, it’s safe to say given the situation- a Thanksgiving full of a wailing child who can’t play with the oven I am using or after an exhausting sleepless night or having my son desire me to hold him for at least three straight hours because he’s afraid I will put him down- I would rather have someone else make the meal. Period.
  3. The gift of a beautiful sunrise!  
  4. Conversations with kids.  I love having good chats with kids in the hospital!

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