Morning by Morning (6/29/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Krystal Chapman, an PICU nurse I work with whose humor and thoroughness in her compassion for families is so moving.  Not to mention we share Pepperdine roots! Happy birthday Krystal!
  2. Recovering from a tremendously tough case two night ago.  It was heartbreaking to watch a kid die so quickly and suddenly from his illness onset and then to hear his parents wails…straight to the soul.
  3. Ryan imitating almost everything I say these days.  It always brings pleasant smiles!
  4. Amanda and Keven having a girl! I’m so happy for them and their family!

Morning by Morning (6/27/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. The Rehab unit at the hospital and all the fantastic work they do helping patients recover their best possible physical selves, and in doing so, enabling hope.  It’s really fun to talk with the families about the long therapy days and see their hope be so strong because of what is being done.
  2. Having two calm dogs at home who are so well behaved with Ryan and other kids. (We are fostering a new dog who is a puppy and still learning!)
  3. Our hospital CEO who has made his statement standing up for the kids and women we serve and their need for insurance, even saying that the House and Senate versions of the AHCA should not pass because they take away needed insurance for the poorest and most vulnerable.  I appreciate that a person in his position is willing to make a powerful statement for these kids and women.  I love that our CEO, our hospital, is willing to seek justice, even in this simple way (although we can still go further in this pursuit).
  4. A nice morning after the immense rains last night and this weekend too.

Morning by Morning (6/26/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. A great morning at home with Elana, the kids, and our dogs!
  2. Having an hour long phone call with my mom and dad and them getting significant time engaging with Aiden and Ryan.
  3. Tom Sharon and his warm welcoming spirit.  I love seeing him when I get in to work!
  4. Building Legos with a couple young kids who were here with their brother in the EC (on Friday). It was real fun to engage with them, laugh with them, make them laugh, and get to build too! My version of a simple airplane…

Morning by Morning (6/24/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Lavender Kelley, a great friend and President of the Pediatric Chaplains Network.  Today she celebrates a birthday as she is also celebrating getting board certified with APC, and I couldn’t be happier to have her as a friend, and just as importantly, a mentor in being a pediatric chaplain. She has been such a gift and I wish the best today! 
  2. Tom Bain, a friend who went through CPE residency (the required residency you need to become a chaplain) with me at Memorial Hermann.  Tom was a great storyteller, a lover of good fish and wine, and a great support to me as I grew into my calling. Happy birthday Tom!
  3. The on call chaplain who relieved me yesterday during a high anxiety case and allowed me to get out of the hospital!
  4. Because it’s just funny!

Morning by Morning (6/23/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Watching the Houston Dynamo play FC Dallas with a packed and lively crowd.
  2. Observing phenomenal Emergency Center staff, including physicians and nurses, tale care of babies and young children in crisis today.
  3. The weekend, after a decent week on my new schedule.

Morning by Morning (6/21/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Chicken salad with apples and pecans, one of my favorite foods.
  2. When Ryan talks, period.  His vocabulary is expanding and he gets so excited talking!
  3. The little boy I see at TCH every time he has chemo (I see many but I have one who I visited today) and whose energy and smiles and oversized joy is so humbling in the face of his amputated leg.  What an amazing boy and an amazing mother too!
  4. Connecting with PCN people this week!

Morning by Morning (6/20/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Serving on board certification committees with fellow chaplains.  These are such great opportunities to learn and grow through the wisdom of both colleagues and the candidates.
  2. Quality sleep.  I haven’t had it in a while so I am really desiring it!
  3. Our great neighbors.  They are fantastic people with fantastic kids too.
  4. Aidens smile.  When he’s happy and smiles towards me it makes my day and helps me feel positive about my step parenting.

Morning by Morning (6/19/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. The ability to linger in bed with my new schedule.
  2. The great nurses at the hospital who I work with and get to enjoy life with.  These are the kinds of people whose humor, skill, and commitment to their families challenge me and keep me afloat in my service in the PICU.
  3. Reading to Ryan…

Morning by Morning (6/17/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. A beautiful day at the beach, with steady cooling wind and gorgeous ocean.
  2. A calm Saturday morning.
  3. The Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Jews and others in our country who worship in the face of alienation, persecution, and misunderstanding.  Their faith and commitment are inspiring and humbling.
  4. The voices that are crying out for justice in the case of Philando Castile.  His life does matter, and one persons abuse of authority, even if from fear or misunderstanding, does not find any excuse in the pursuit of justice in this world.  (I have never understood why being afraid/fearing for their safety means those in power can kill and not have repercussions) The voices who protest and who name that injustice are powerful prophetic voices. May God bring this world justice!

Morning by Morning (6/16/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. The way Ryan greets me when I get home.  “Daddy!!” jumping up and down, and a hug.  Just love it.
  2. The park and splash pad near our house. I am grateful to be able to afford a neighborhood that provides this, but it is also a reminder of the amenities I want other parents and kids in other neighborhoods (which our society often neglects) to enjoy too.
  3. The ending of my 8:30-5:00 shift today.  I am grateful for a new beginning and new opportunity to minister I the evening.
  4. Anything Andy Puddingcomb does about meditation- see his TED talks!