Morning by Morning (9/5/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Seeing all the TCH chaplains again this morning- it’s been two and a half weeks since we all have been in the same city!
  2. The great food I had yesterday at two different gatherings, including grilled sausage, cheeseburgers, potato salad, apple pie, and funfetti cake with simple icing! Yum! What a good day of good eats!
  3. Elana’s care for me this morning as I had a couple hours of feeling terrible and awful.  
  4. Ryan’s developing imagination through role plays!​ he’s so cute!

Morning by Morning (9/4/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. The many opportunities to help others after the hurricane.  These are good chances to remind myself of what we as humans and as Christians are called to do. Plus, as a person who does work that is emotional and social, manual hard labor feels therapeutic and meaningful.
  2. The awesome volunteers who are blessing those helping with home made sandwiches, snacks, bottled water, free snow cones and all sorts of other stuff. These people are encouragers and supporters and remind me of the many different ways we can be neighbors.
  3. A needed three day weekend.
  4. Scrambled eggs. Delicious!
  5. Steve Sandifer and all the hard work, pastoral care, wisdom, and laughter he brings to our church and me!

Morning by Morning (8/12/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. A wonderful day with Ryan, including good toilet training, shopping and him pushing the cart, playing in the backyard, the pool, and building a cardboard airplane.  I love my time with him!
  2. Getting to hang out with DeAndre, Keyshon, and Taylor at the pool today. I marvel at their fun and resilience, but I am also very impressed and grateful with their gentle encouraging interaction with Ryan.
  3. Dinner with Elana and Carleigh and Levi! I can’t wait to officiate their wedding and I am so blessed to have gotten to know them outside of TCH!
  4. Japanese Sea Perch sushi.  Really really good!

Morning by Morning (7/18/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Getting to walk into work and out of work back to our parking garage, which is about 3/4 mile or so. It’s great exercise everyday and helps me de-stress after the day.
  2. Working with great CPE residents and interns at St Lukes, who provide much needed and excellent coverage for us on nights and weekends.
  3. The awesome green chile chicken enchiladas I made, with my own home grown Anaheim chiles! So delish and nicely spicy.
  4. A relaxing night tonight…

Morning by Morning (6/21/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Chicken salad with apples and pecans, one of my favorite foods.
  2. When Ryan talks, period.  His vocabulary is expanding and he gets so excited talking!
  3. The little boy I see at TCH every time he has chemo (I see many but I have one who I visited today) and whose energy and smiles and oversized joy is so humbling in the face of his amputated leg.  What an amazing boy and an amazing mother too!
  4. Connecting with PCN people this week!

Morning by Morning (6/10/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. A great evening with Ryan at the park, playing on the bounce houses and in the splash pad. His joy was so infectious!
  2. Aiden’s love of Rat a Tat Cat.  I could not have imagined how much he loves playing it and strategizing.
  3. Dawns fantastic herbed shrimp linguini tonight.  So delicious! I love shrimp and how it can be done so many different ways.
  4. My family in Cali who have supported me and encouraged me through every stage and season of my life.  Aunts, uncles, cousins…these people are my people and family that I love more than they will ever know.

Morning by Morning (6/5/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Disc golf in pouring rain! So fun!
  2. Getting to lay on the couch during the rainy day and enjoy the evening with Elana.
  3. Making pineapple pulled pork tacos on Saturday night.  It was good food accompanied by some selfish ice cream cake.
  4. Our youth group and their conversation and questions about Genesis 1-3.  They are an astute and open group of kids and I love serving with them.
  5. My working car.  I drive a lot and rarely acknowledge that it is a gift and privilege to have a car and keep it nice.

Morning by Morning (6/3/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Getting to play disc golf again this morning for the first time in three weeks.  It was great to out in the sunshine and at the park.
  2. The omelette I made today with my own home grown Anaheim chile peppers in it.  Delicious and a kick!
  3. The many people who inspire with their courage in the face of hate and persecution in our own country- Muslims, blacks and browns, the LGBTQ community, to name a few.
  4. Moments like these:

Morning by Morning (5/31/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Watching my jubilant son jump off the couch onto pillows with high energy.  So full of life!
  2. Amanda Vargas, an RN who led the care of the patient and family during a very difficult and challenging death yesterday.  I was particularly moved as she shared about how fulfilling it is to be there for those families and then to connect that with the gentle and loving way she cared for the family.  I think the world of Amanda and her energizing compassion.
  3. MR, a teenage girl that I had a great opportunity to connect with in our hospital last fall and then she moved on to another hospital closer to home.  I always marvelled at her faith, her desire to pray, her laughter, and her positivity that was grounded in her faith in Christ. M died a couple weeks ago and her memorial is today in DFW.
  4. Honey sriracha brussels sprouts.  Yeah, I know BJ’s serves this but I made them on my own yesterday and loved it!

Morning by Morning (5/30/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Returning to work after a long but good 11 days.  I can’t wait to see my PICU and PCU friends!
  2. Caprese salad.  I used my own home grown basil for the salad yesterday and that was really cool.
  3. NPR and the public radio that brings great perspective and good reporting.  NPR has provide both news and podcasts that I have really appreciated.
  4. The wonderful sunshine this morning.