Morning by Morning (7/31/21)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Joe and Jay, and their laid back easy going nature.
  2. My wife in a tight shirt or a bikini. Melts me every time!!
  3. Nedra Smith, one of our friends at Bering, and one of my colleagues on the A Team. She carries herself with a wise curiosity, an endless love for serving others, and a beautiful love for our church. Happy birthday Nedra!
  4. Michael Jeffries, and his love of philosophy, theology, and exploration of life and spirituality.
  5. Liberty Park across from New York.
  6. The challenging reflections that Ellis Island offers during this time and age.
  7. The lush beautiful forests and hills of New Jersey.
  8. A traditional New Jersey breakfast sandwich with an everything bagel and Taylor ham!

Morning by Morning (7/30/21)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Hanging with Joe and JV this morning, and having lots of fun conversation, laughter, and storytelling about life.
  2. The beautiful weather we are having and going to have all weekend in Jersey.
  3. Carmen Watrin’s leadership in the heart center and her willingness to lead and make hard decisions and do them compassionately.
  4. Zahraa al-Lawati, one of the best amd most gifted genuine Critical Care fellows I have ever met. Happy birthday Zahraa!
  5. Dave Fuller, and his wit, friendship, passion for helping others, and engagement with his mind as a husband, father, man of faith, and doctor.
  6. Xander Waites and the way he helped me grow into playing disc golf in Abilene and always encouraged others.
  7. Oksana L and her friendship with Liz.
  8. The Revisonist History podcast which has had some really profoundly thought provoking explorations. Especially the ones about the bombers last year and the college rankings this year.
  9. The architecture of the buildings and homes in the Northeast, with row homes and pointed roofs, and main streets.

Morning by Morning (7/29/21)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Seeing my brother Joe today!
  2. Working in my garden this morning.
  3. Dr. Dan Penny, whose leadership in the Heart Center is always top notch and full of hospitality and kindness!
  4. Mark Goode, and his thoughtful approach to life and willingness to be vulnerable in his spirituality.
  5. The support and camaraderie of our Respite Rounds planning committee.
  6. My first apartment in Abilene, and the opportunity it provided for me to be independent, make a place my own, and to study and write thoroughly.
  7. Little things that make me laugh.
  8. El Salvadoran pupusas!

Morning by Morning (7/27/21)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Debriefing a tough day with Liz yesterday.
  2. Paulette, Paisley, Lauren, Ryan, Hollie, and Andrew, all of whom were the sacred hands caring for a dying child and family. It was a blessing and encouragement to be a team with them.
  3. Sara Fudge, and her wit and laughter and love for Gods word and the churches music. Happy birthday Sara!
  4. Cornell, an ICU nurse who is so genuine, honest, and calmly skilled and always kind to families.
  5. Seeing my parents for a short time last night.
  6. Watering my garden, as a sacred and ordinary routine.
  7. The health of my son and my family, especially with COVID.
  8. spicy food, in any way!

Morning by Morning (7/26/21)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. The relaxation I find with some of my very best friends and with our couple friends.
  2. Jeff Christians voice and preaching explorations these last two weeks.
  3. David Shaw, one of my friends during my time at ACU. I love his supportiveness, his storytelling, and his down to earth engagement with life, but also his deep and critical thinking and wit. Happy birthday David!
  4. Nadia Pruett, one of the best dang nurses ever, and one of the most intelligent and gentle souls I know. Happy birthday Nadia!
  5. Chester and Angela Woodhall, missionaries associated with Bering who do amazing work and have hearts of good through serving the hungry and lonely and marginalized in Africa.
  6. The extremely delicious cup of coffee I enjoyed this morning.
  7. Jenny F’s great joy in teaching me bridge. Happy birthday Jenny!
  8. Pecan pie, especially the pie Liz and I made this weekend.
  9. Finishing a disc golf round with a birdie. Love this feeling.

Morning by Morning (7/24/21)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. The spiritual nourishment I get from the parents at the hospital when I get to share prayer and affirm them and their love.
  2. Learning to take more risk, the good kind of course!
  3. Pam Krinock, one of my coworkers and one of the most insightful and thoughtful colleagues I have. She is intentional, kind, and thorough. Happy birthday Pam!
  4. Gladys Rodrigues, a CICU RN who is such a good friend, with a deep heart, and super funny. Oh, and badass nurse!
  5. Ryan sleeping through the night this week. What a gift!
  6. The ability to hear.
  7. The cool breeze during disc golf today.
  8. The full grass in the backyard.

Morning by Morning (7/22/21)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. My parents consistent presence around my family as they now live in Houston. The ability to see them often, and the way they get to share in faith and adventure, is so so good for me and us.
  2. Daniel Lovett, one of my Pepperdine friends, and one of coolest and deeply principled people I know. Happy belated birthday Daniel!
  3. Dr Heather Dickerson, whose bubbliness, fearlessness, and love for providing good care brings joy and calm to the others she serves with.
  4. The pursuit of understanding I hear on the Freakonomics podcast always.
  5. Playing soccer with Ryan and the cousins and seeing the fun they had as a big group.
  6. Key lime pie.

Morning by Morning (7/20/21)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Liz’s good news of an interview which affirms her skill set and preparation for this work.
  2. A really good evening as a family.
  3. Ryan’s love for helping.
  4. Peter Rice, a brilliant friend from ACU. I loved his passion and curiosity in faith and gentle personality.
  5. Pete Awad, a fraternity brother and friend whose loyalty, friendship, and search for fun is endless. Happy birthday Pete!
  6. Working with great Child Life, like Lauren H or Ashlee J or Ashley F (happy birthday!) or Katie P!
  7. My Lingoda professors and teachers. They are affirming, challenging, and top notch.

Morning by Morning (7/19/21)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. The emotions of the Psalms, and how they express them in genuine and heart full ways.
  2. Meeting and getting to know Austin Norris yesterday.
  3. Richard Hughes, one of my Pepperdine professors who truly challenged my faith and approach to spirituality. But he also carried himself so joyfully and with depth of peace…such a gift!
  4. Ryan’s Pete the Cat books, which do such a good job being encouraging, engaging good principles, and connecting with Ryan.
  5. Connecting a mother and her daughter over video today, and making their day in doing so.
  6. A good stretch.

Morning by Morning (7/18/21)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Our sermon ending with this hope that though this world is full of drear, broken dreams, heartbreak, and grief, it is a beautiful world still. Amen.
  2. Sam Luber’s caring check ins all week as both friend and physician.
  3. Sharing fellowship with Ben, Austin, Mark, and Michael today seeking God.
  4. Grant Matsushita, and for the way God used him to open my eyes to dedication to faith, embodying love for God, and seeing the world honestly (in terms of seeing beyond simply “news” or structures)
  5. Samira Fitts and her love of God reflecting welcome and hospitality at church this morning. I love that she is always thinking about Ryan too.
  6. The love and connection of Ryan and Aiden with their cousins. It brings my heart immense joy and peace.
  7. The lack of stomach pain or discomfort today.
  8. A good game of soccer with some good defensive stops.