Morning by Morning (11/30)

My morning gratitude for:

  1. The flow and presence of Advent on our Christian calendar, and it’s vibrant effect on the lives of Christians.  In Advent lies a phenomenal opportunity to energize waiting, to think kingdom, and let past/present/future flow faithfully.  I love Advent and I love the reflection of God that emerges in Advent.
  2. Dr. Hamilton and his wife Samjung, who hosted the first Advent service I ever attended at their house in Abilene.  It was there I felt the power of the hymn “O Come O Come Emmanuel.” It was there that I experienced the first one cup communion as a reflection of the kingdom of God.  It was there that Scripture and waiting mingled together in a way that excited and gave substance to hope. It was a great service with a ton of people with one mind about God and his gift of Christ.
  3. Christmas songs.  How could I not love “Joy to the World” or “Silent Night” or “O Come O Come Emmanuel” by Bing Crosby or Pentatonix or whomever. Christmas songs are often filled with themes of joy and peace and more importantly, make me feel like a kid again anticipating the goodness of Christmas.