Morning by Morning (11/28/19)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Our first family Thanksgiving.
  2. Having a wife and partner who loves runs, 5ks, and other races. It’s really fun.
  3. Grandma and Grandpa, who I am very grateful for. They grounded our family and brought joy and love. Their hugs and their fun are missed because they were so appreciated!
  4. My parents and my brothers. They have surrounded me in love throughout my life.
  5. Family gatherings when I was younger. Our large gatherings with football, turkeys, hams, vegetable trays, games, and laughter will always be special.
  6. Jose Mijangos, an amazing, hilarious, and responsible interpreter at TCH. He is so good at communicating emotions, so present to the families, and a man of faith himself.
  7. Snuggling under comfy blankets.