Morning by Morning (6/4/22)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. The smallness that a wide open immense blue sky conveys, and reminds me of the grandness of creation.
  2. Enjoying the drive up and down the Texas coast with Liz and her parents.
  3. Jordan Lambert, a CICU RN who is incredibly smart, a instinctive leader, deeply learned around heart issues, and super awesome guy. Happy birthday Jordan!
  4. The smell of the ocean.
  5. Sunrise around water like lakes, beaches, and our marina this weekend.
  6. Dr Richard Hughes, perhaps my favorite professor ever who taught me pacifism, love for others, introduced me to seeing honestly our American Christianity and Mennonites and Gods love for all.
  7. Brad and Jenna Barker, a couple I got to know as fellow SLA’s at Pepperdine and who were committed as a couple to sacrifice and love of God and to hilarious humor.
  8. Maya Minwary, a good friend at Pepperdine and at Lifeline who was always so gentle hearted and intelligent.
  9. The views of the ocean that I got to enjoy at Pepperdine.