Morning by Morning (5/23/23)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Self worth and self dignity and self empowerment. All of which is solitary work that cannot be done alone.
  2. The sense of finish now having completed the three major presentations of the last two weeks, and the free time for patient care and initiatives I get back!
  3. Creativity in chaplaincy.
  4. Soccer with Ryan out in the street. Good father son time.
  5. Board game play with Liz.
  6. Elizabeth Cummings, a NICU SW who loves her job and attends to her families with attentiveness and a desire for them to thrive.
  7. Mahealani Yoshida, her passion for equity and affirmation and inclusion and value of others, and her skill set for wordsmithing.
  8. Tracey Anderson and Arjun Dangre’s leadership of the AQI course, and making the learning seem valuable as ancillary staff.
  9. Learning the tools and value of quality improvement.
  10. The hilarious “pivot!” scene from Friends (even though I don’t like the show overall)
  11. The Roma Rosso wine that Liz and I enjoyed last night.

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