Morning by Morning (11/27/18)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Ryan’s silly faces!
  1. Having the flexibility to take a day off when I need it to take care of important matters, as I did yesterday. That ability enables me to focus on the problems and not get too distracted.
  2. Playing silly games with Ryan last night.
  3. Lindy Dawkins, a friend who I met through Oplin Church of Christ. Lindy is such a gift in her care for the community and being present to those she is with. Happy birthday Lindy!
  4. The Pardee family. They have loved me from the moment I first came to church. Ron, Cyndi, and Justin are awesome, and Cambry has been my best of friends. They are mentors in faith and laughter that I love deeply.
  5. Searching for Christmas gifts. I enjoy getting gifts and enjoy the search for a good gift.