Morning by Morning (11/29/16)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Family.  Elana, Aiden, and Ryan have been joys to have and be around.  This season is a reminder of the joy of family.
  2. Randy Bowen, a nurse I served with at a death yesterday.  I am so amazed at his passion not just for being a nurse, but for parents and most of all, for his patient.  He is phenomenal at advocating for a child in the hospital and wearing his heart on his sleeve.
  3. Ryan’s joy at seeing Christmas lights. We drove around our neighborhood for 30 minutes looking at the lights and watching Ryan’s face get excited and wide eyed with all the colors and snowmen and Santas. Watching his face is priceless.
  4. Advent.  Seriously I love lighting the advent candles and reading advent devotionals.  I am appreciating then the opportunity to preach advent with Elana this Sunday.  Very special.

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