Morning by Morning (2/8)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. The beginning of Lent that arrives this Wednesday.  I attend a low church denomination that does not formally observe Lent or Christmas as a tradition.  But this opportunity is a golden one as a church and as a individual. This year I hope it brings a deeper relationship as a couple who observes together.
  2. A slow day at work, where it seems every day for the last month has involved a kid quickly dying.  That takes its toll as I and staff strain for the good moments we can take away and hold on to.  Today was a break.  Amen.
  3. Adam, Cambry and Jon. You guys are so appreciated even though I rarely get to see you.  They are the kind of friends I long to have throughout life.
  4. A Super Bowl win for Peyton Manning.  Now I hope Cam Newton and the Panthers win a bunch.