Morning by Morning (8/12/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. A wonderful day with Ryan, including good toilet training, shopping and him pushing the cart, playing in the backyard, the pool, and building a cardboard airplane.  I love my time with him!
  2. Getting to hang out with DeAndre, Keyshon, and Taylor at the pool today. I marvel at their fun and resilience, but I am also very impressed and grateful with their gentle encouraging interaction with Ryan.
  3. Dinner with Elana and Carleigh and Levi! I can’t wait to officiate their wedding and I am so blessed to have gotten to know them outside of TCH!
  4. Japanese Sea Perch sushi.  Really really good!

Morning by Morning (8/7/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. A great weekend with a bunch of friends on the beach in Galveston, where we got to laugh a lot together, celebrate Ryan’s birthday, spend lots of time at the pool, spend quality time with Aiden and Ryan, watch Ryan brave waves at the beach, walk hand in hand with Elana along the sand, and enjoy the calming waters with good friends.
  2. A Sonic soda on the way home that helped with the post trip exhaustion.
  3. The Ciudad de Angeles orphanage in Cozumel who does the heroic work or caring for children who need support, and doing it well. I appreciate their work and their love of children and their love of God.  I appreciate our church friends who went to support them earlier this summer.
  4. The voices who encourage compassion towards those with mental health issues and challenge our behaviors and disregard for them.  This weekend reminded me of this with a couple of experiences I observed.

Morning by Morning (8/5/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Ryan. Wow, 3 years old.  You are amazing my son, and I say that to mean you are a gift from God and my gratitude for you explodes each day, whether watching you nap or play or splash water or vacuum or smile! I love you and wish you a happy birthday! 
  2. Seeing Ryan’s fearlessness on jumping in the water at the pool or the beach.  His courage extends past my comfort level but I marvel nonetheless! Watching Ryan’s joy is priceless.
  3. Hanging with our friends in Galveston for the weekend!
  4. Barbara Brown Taylors book, An Altar in the World.  So thought provoking and meaningful and a book I would encourage for anyone.

Morning by Morning (8/4/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. The people who stand for reflection and peace during these hostile and divisive times.  Self reflection is needed for us to honestly deal with major issues and wounds in this world.  Reflection helps us see our desires for what they are and helps us to see others with the best possible intentions.  Reflection also helps us interpret history while looking into a mirror.  I only pray that we as people of faith are daring enough to be the people who are reflective.
  2. The friends I can count on for support here in Houston- Michael, Steve, Caleb, Stephen, Ben, Dave and others.  Much love!
  3. Opportunities to decompress from the hospital, especially talking through the situations I see. I’m still learning to do this well but each opportunity is still so appreciated and treasured!

Morning by Morning (8/2/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Feedback from families.  I cannot tell you how awesome it is to have families come back and hug me and share stories and express gratitude.  And also how awesome it is to have someone in the moment of crisis tell me they appreciate my calm and tell I’ve been helpful.
  2. The song Amazing Grace that I sing to Ryan when he needs calming or relaxing whether I am holding him in the shower or not falling asleep. It’s my version of the Jesus Prayer for him and I’m hoping it trains him to think about God when he needs calm.
  3. Mikey Weesner, who celebrated her birthday yesterday and is an all star friend and all star colleague in youth ministry.  She may be quiet and always helpful, but what often goes unmentioned is how she reflects Gods grace through wisdom and self reflection.  She is more respected and loved than she knows or gives herself credit for. Happy birthday!

Morning by Morning (7/31/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Ryan’s fun exuberance with balloons.  He gets so energetic and excited when he sees one and little be trying to keep it in the air, and it’s…so…cute!!!
  2. Michael Tucker’s sermon yesterday that explored the reason for celebrating the Lords Supper around the table and over a meal.  It was an enlightening message and encouraged our church towards meaningful and faithful participation in this special practice.
  3. All the anniversary celebrations I have seen on Facebook over the last couple weeks.  It’s been an amazing gift to realize that I am surrounded by many couples who create such beauty together.
  4. Luci Bell, Mikey Weesner, and Andrea Day for their awesome work coordinating, decorating, preparing, and leading VBS this past week.

Morning by Morning (7/21/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. The weekend.  I know I say it often but today got sucked up by badge requests, security requests, IS navigation, and organizing folders and documents on a shared drive.  That’s not what gives me energy, but I was glad to do it…and then get to the weekend!!
  2. Sitting around a simple and barely lighter fire in the back yard tonight. It’s very calming and a reflective time!
  3. A wonderful night with Ryan and Aiden- we built a tent to camp tonight (he only made it 15 min before wanting to go to bed) and made smores in the fire pit. I was so blessed to call them my sons!
  4. Lunch with Stephen Lucas.  Just being with a great friend is so wonderful!

Morning by Morning (7/20/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Lauren Frosch, an RN in the PICU who I have thoroughly enjoyed working with.  I love her joy and laid back nature, her ability to bring fun into challenging situations, and have more than appreciated her kindness towards me.  Blessings on her next adventure!
  2. Jennah Korchinski (not certain I got her last name right!), another RN who I have dearly loved but who is moving off to another stage of life.  I have so loved her calm strength and perceptiveness regarding her patients and families. Blessings on the next adventure!
  3. Dawn Marie Lucas! She has been so great for us these last couple weeks being kind, supportive, and welcoming to Aiden.  God bless her!

Morning by Morning (7/17/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. Sleeping in a little this Monday morning.
  2. The beautiful clear skies that have inundated our living room with so much sun and warmth.
  3. Seeing all my friends being parents, like Jeremy Hegi, Jamie Walters, Jamey Gorman, Adam Jacobs, David Shaw, etc.  It’s amazing because I know their kids are blessed by those good and wise men.
  4. Ryan just having to nap like this:

Morning by Morning (7/14/17)

My daily gratitude for:

  1. A really encouraging, supportive, and open conversation among good friends tonight at a good friends house.  Politics and religion, personality and styles of wine, all good and challenging conversation.
  2. Phil Rice.  Good friend, faithful Christian brother, a mentor to me also! What a gift!
  3. Rachel Brownson, a chaplain in Michigan who reflects the beauty of honesty and courage while seeking Gods voice within her all the time.  She has been a great guide to me in our short interactions and helpful in me becoming a better person and chaplain. I particularly have been moved by her humble and passionate to give voice to those who are often marginalized or even maligned.  Happy birthday Rachel!
  4. Good wine.  Yes please.